Ready to experience Sanctuary?

Let's Get Started!

Sanctuary is a mini closed top design for moss and plants. It loves minimal watering, dappled light and occasional airflow. With these three things in mind, here are some starter tips to create your happy Rainforest environment.


Mist moss and soil fortnightly.


Enjoys natural light, not full sun.


Twist the top when condensation is high

Setting Up

  1. Select either moss or one small terrarium plant (... or both) for your Sanctuary.
  2. For moss only, use the domed insert provided, for moss and plants remove the dome for more soil room.
  3. You may create a thin drainage layer using activated charcoal and pebbles but this isnt crucual
  4. Remove plant from pot and arrange into insert. As you hold the plant in position, gently add and compact soil.
  5. Decorate portions of the soil surface with small stones or moss. Leave some areas to check soil moisture.
  6. Mist over the soil or moss with filtered water and place the top over your creation.
  7. Choose a position for your Sanctuary that has natural light but avoid direct sun. Mist weekly, be sure to pour small mister full of water in the plant if you are using one.
  8. Stay in tune with your creation by observing your mossarium daily. Enjoy the time it takes to prune and water, be present and your Sanctuary mini will reward you with months and years of beauty.

Additional Tips

  • On average a generous misting (half spray bottle) of water weekly is more than enough. Adjust the vents if condensation is high. keep in a cool spot in natural light, away from direct heat.

Styling Ideas

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